Build Your Best Team With Equity-Focused Budgeting 

The number of teachers who reported “frequent job-related stress” in the January 2022 RAND Corporation survey.

The number of nationwide teacher shortages in American public schools.

The percentage of school district leaders who reported moderate to considerable special education teacher shortages.

There’s a way to overcome the challenges

Educators who are empowered to lead and succeed are key to ensuring positive student outcomes. But how do you attract, retain, and empower top talent while balancing limited resources?

THRIVE!’s science-backed software empowers you to make the best decisions, support the vitality of all students, and be best in class. Our budgeting for equity algorithm suggests school district initiatives that prioritize student success based on the unique context of your system. How?

We have compiled the successes of other school systems noted by diverse education leaders and scholars alike. Then, our software matches the solutions that have the highest likelihood of success to your unique school context. To best meet the needs of all learners, we frequently recommend different strategies for different schools within a system.

Build budgets that allow everyone to thrive. 

We Identify Cost-Effective Solutions with High Impact 

The number of paraprofessionals who are satisfied with their jobs

The number of Americans who identify federal spending on public school buildings as extremely important.

Our software enables you to identify effective practices across all HR functions, including diverse talent acquisition and retention, setting fair performance standards, and building robust human capital systems.

We provide guidance for implementing solutions that foster inclusivity and fairness in HR budgeting.

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